I'm Going Around The World!

You are now officially Trippin with Trav!

Sunday, July 1, 2012

I love Berlin

After the bike tour Jefe and I proceeded to find a water closet as they call it here and to look at some of sites a little longer since the bike tour was pretty fast.

Alexander Platz

The City Hall Building.

We could not find a toilet we didnt have to pay money to use for over an hour. Gettin desperate. Found a library, but then this... Luckily they let us use the staff bathroom.

The other side of the Brandenburg Gate.

One of those crazy beer drinking wagons haha.

Back of the Reichstag.

Front door. Quite amazing.

We sat in some shade and stated at the Reichstag. Jed sent me an email saying he got extremely I'll flying home from Prague. Had to spend the night in Chicago and missed his flight home. We sent him this picture to cheer him up hopefully.

We went back to the Memorial to the Murdered Jews to take some time to ponder. What a great and precious gift life is. Freedom is everything and no one should ever lose that. That's what I came away with.

Cool random building.


We stumbled on a Mozart Musical Broadcast and watched it for a while.

The guy in front of us dropped his beer and it exploded. Kind of scared everyone.

The crowd here was funny. Everyone kept yelling at these guys to sit down who wouldn't. And the lady next to us chewed these guys out who would not stop talking. Gotta love Germans.

We ate dinner right between the Reichstag and the Brandenburg Gate. Great location!

Lots of people here drink beer. Lots! I drink tap water haha.

See the Reichstag behind me.

The Brandenburg gate behind Jefe. Dare I say two of the most popular sites in Berlin, maybe the top two.

My meal was tasty! Goulash with red cabbage and a potato dumpling.

Out of nowhere these German dudes started playing music for these random girls. The girls asked them to play. This provided free entertainment for the next half hour. So funny!

Then one of the guys out of nowhere scared everyone when he whipped this huge whip. Seriously sounded like a bomb.

One of the girls tried, it was an awful attempt. Brave, but awful. We were laughing our heads off.

She wrapped it around herself at one point lol.

Jefe leaves tomorrow morning and then i am back to the solo life. Because of this, Jefe and I reflected on our trip and Berlin and give it all two enthusiastic thumbs up!

We love every place for sure. I especially love Berlin! Great great city.

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