What can I say, I'm at complete peace with my life and what I am doing. I feel great. I feel like I just had the adventure of a lifetime. I feel proud and fulfillment. I feel excitement even for this last day. I feel excitement to get back to the States. I feel so much excitement to be with my family again. I feel so grateful for all I've learned. I could write books and it probably would not sum it all up. Whoever said experience and getting out in the world is the best education is a smart person.
One of the big reasons I did my trip is because in 2008 a big wig at Morgan Stanley came and spoke to us in Sandy. I'll never forget his speech and last sentence. He related to us his travels around the world. I was bored at Morgan Stanley. His speech literally blew me away. To sum everything up at the end he said, "I have one bit of advice for all of you, don't let work and school get in the way of your real education." that hit me sooooo hard and I pondered it for months, and even years. I always wanted to travel the world as he did and get my "real" education. I'd like to thank that dude cause I have done exactly that. It was the second most worthwhile thing I have ever done in my life, only behind my 2 year mission.
Let's get to my last day...
Taking the subway to church. Back to the solo life since Jefe left early this morning.

Walking to the church. Germany is really green.

What a cool chapel.
Church was awesome actually. Everyone was so welcoming to me. That makes a world of difference!

These two girls from Mexico are so great. We talked for about an hour about traveling and Germany. They are living here learning German and learning about German culture. They miss Mexican food much as I do :)

They are twins by the way. Gosh they are fun! Trust everything I said. I told them I was living in the gutters and they believed it haha. Now that is trust!

After church I got invited by two families to eat dinner!! Are you kidding me! And it was literally right after the Amen. That is a first where people have asked me multiple times. I cannot describe how great that makes a guest feel! I have not met a warmer bunch of latter day saints anywhere. Talked to so many members and had a blast. Kind of felt the love I felt as a missionary for these people.
Here is the first family that I ended up eating with. The Gabler Family! All from Berlin or close by. I was able to ask a ton of questions about being raised in Berlin and Germany.

The dog lol.

Cool backyard.

The Gabler family then walked me to the subway station and to see some of the little memorials that are scattered around Berlin.
Everyone seems to love my sunglasses.

This is a picture of the little memorials they have around Berlin. They have gone around and found homes of Jewish people who were sent to concentration camps and explained when they were deported and to what concentration camp and if they survived or not. These two died in Auschwitz. So sad.
Sorry the picture is crooked.

I love this family!

Beatrice on the right here is living with them until her mission to Greece in a few weeks.

Check out this subway station! Berlin has sooooo much history and character.

This is actually the train station that many of the Jews were deported to concentration camps from.

They have this huge memorial and some of the original train tracks.

Each of these huge pieces tells of each train that left and how many Jews and to what concentration camp.
This one had 963 Jews on board.

Wow... This is so sad. I'm amazed at how Berlin has tried very hard to memorialize the people affected by the Holocaust.
Berliners have been through a lot too quite frankly so they seem to be a compassionate people generally speaking.

The biggest thing I learned from my questions is that many of the Nazi supporters were good people who simply didn't know what was happening until it was too late.
Mimi told me her grandmother told her one time, "no one had jobs, the economy was awful and this man was promising to change that. Who wouldn't be interested in that. We followed him and he fulfilled his promises. Jobs grew. Most people had a small job and just wanted to survive. Most people worked in a factory and did the same task all day and went home. It was only later that many many people realized that the Jewish people and others were missing and had ACTUALLY been murdered. They knew Hitler and others had spoke out against them but actual murder was not always known until it was too late to do anything about it." wow.

They walked me all the way to my subway. These are awesome people and they made me feel like a million bucks! Thanks Gabler family!

On my way back to the hostel. Berlin is a huge biking city. They have their own lights even!

After returning my empty water bottles for Euros, I headed to the Brandenburg Gate to watch the Euro Cup Final. I got there plenty early to take some pictures of the environment and to write this blog update.
I wish so bad Germany had advanced to the final as this would have been completely nuts with Germany in the final.

My friend Paew bought me this ring in Bangkok. It has come rely come apart and now has broken. Time to sacrifice it.

I threw it under the Brandenburg Gate lol.

Euro Cup Final!!! This is so exciting for me because I have been in Europe almost the entire Euro Cup and I have been following it very very close. I have watched over a dozen games. So what a fitting way to spend my last night in Europe and on my trip!

I got here plenty early to get a good spot so it filled in a lot more.

Dark clouds are coming in, praying for a dry night.

Spain scores...

Spain went up 2-0 and it started pouring.
On my way to the subway grabbed some money. 25 cents in Euros for each bottle here.

The same station Jefe and I rolled into Berlin through. This station is huuuuuuge!

One of my favorite feelings, running out of money perfectly as I'm leaving. 0 Euros left! Always a fun challenge with each new country. Ive done really well with it. Back to dollars tomorrow. Been a long time.

After a cool night sleep finally, I think I'm ready to bail.
Can't even describe the joy of having a new item of clothing. The same exact 5 shirts for 3 months gets old. Waddup Berlin!!

This bag is amazing. Look at that! If packing was an art, call me Michelangelo. This puppy will carry on any flight. This is all my stuff. No other bag or sacks necessary. As you can see I even have room to spare in the top. Gosh I love traveling!

P.S. the bag is an Osprey Porter 46 Liter if you are looking for the perfect carry on bag. Fits the dimensions perfectly.

Bye bye to my last hostel. That is a good thing.

To the airport!

Bye bye Berlin!

Last Euro Pastry. They don't make them like these in the States.

Peace out Berlin!

After a quick stop in Frankfurt lets hope I make my long flight to Baltimore. Air Berlin was delayed 35 minutes to Frankfurt. Its going to be close... Really close. I really hope i make it. Gonna have to make a run for it! It's always an adventure...
FYI - I made it! Barely. The lady told me the flight was closed. I yelled at her and said there stupid online system wouldn't let me check in or print off a boarding pass. She finally consented and told me I better run and make it. Luckily zero line for immigration and security. What luck! Covered in sweat, I stumbled to the gate in relief, I made it!
Next stop...
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA! The greatest country in the world!
Gosh I'm excited! And now all of a sudden a tiny bit nervous...
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