I'm Going Around The World!

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Sunday, April 29, 2012

Day of chilling in Beijing, the hate grows...

After my exciting day of the great wall of china I decided to chill for a day in Beijing and do no tours or anything. This was the only bad day I have had on my trip. I hate this freaking hole of a place. I sleep in and dread going out amongst the animals. Honestly, I love the Chinese people I have spoken to. They are very warm and friendly and I love them. But put them in a group and get them all moving somewhere and I literally cannot stand it. I am a pretty laid back dude, but this animalistic behavior is similar to hyenas fighting over meat. Ya know how when you watch the hyenas and they steal and snatch and don't share at all and you think, "if you all shared you would all be able to be satisfied." It is as if I am constantly saying in Beijing, "are you kidding me! Stop acting so stupid!" it is bad folks. China is crazy!!!

Another thing I noticed is the people talk SO loud!!!! I heard from someone at my hostel at movies and plays they will just answer there phones and talk to each other in normal volumes.

Beijing has no beauty of scenery so far as I can tell. Pollution is the worst I have ever seen. It is awful and people have a hard time breathing. That may be why they are always hocking and spitting. I heard the government told the people no spitting during the Beijing Olympics lol.

Oh the traffic... I freaking hate it. They drive soooooooo crazy! Traffic laws must not be enforced. People are constantly cutting others off. There is no yielding. If there is a hair of an opening they are taking it and stopping the cars coming the other way. This applies to walking in the subway stations and the streets too. They give no space. In lines, which are not actual lines they literally push people in the back and butt non stop. You reach this breaking point where you realize unless you adapt the same techniques you go nowhere. But you don't want to be mean and animalistic at the same time. Quite the dilemma. I've never had a group of people tick me off so bad!

Walking the streets every time you go over a sewer you get the foulest smell ever. It is the permanent smell of my bathroom too. Just awful!

I cursed my manager Matt Fowler for saying I should stay 3 full days in Beijing instead of 2 haha. I love you if you're reading this Matt :) I begin counting the minutes till I go to Xian to see the Terracotta Warriors.

The few pics I took this day.

The little dog that lived at my hostel. The size of my shoe haha. Barking at me right here.

Went in a mall to check out stuff. Beijing is actually expensive. That was disappointing. I heard there is cheap knock off stuff, but do I really want to go find it?? It's like all desire to explore and experience Beijing has been lost.

Now this is a shopping mall!

Cool rotating shoe machine in the mall. The Nike store was huge!

That's it. I went from around every corner in Japan being caught off guard by the beauty of the land and cherry blossom season to taking 3 pictures in a day. But the great wall was worth all of this. And I was soooooo excited for the Acrobat show that night and my Forbidden City and Temple of Heaven tour the next day. This day sucked though to be honest. The highlight was meeting these 2 people from France at the hostel. They are studying in Shanghai and are visiting on break. Hung out for a few hours and had great conversation! They were so cool! We discussed French and American culture in deep detail. They know all our music and movies and love America. Everyone does it seems. That has been very cool to learn about. More to come on them as we went to the Acrobat show together that night!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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