I'm Going Around The World!

You are now officially Trippin with Trav!

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Tsukiji Fish Market at last

My very first morning in tokyo I came to the fish market in hopes to see the tuna auction and fish get unloaded and transferred. I have read it is quite a sight. I was so sad it was closed that first morning. I went back to witness the mayhem.

Last night after hanging out with Naoko I came home to the dreadful capsule and fell asleep at 7:30pm. I laid down to rest my legs and fell asleep for good. I woke up at 1:30am. After listening to the japanese men around me snore and fart for an hour or so i got up and played on my phone for an hour or so trying to get my very first blog post posted, still no luck. Freaking thing ticks me off. And up at 2:30am messing with it no less! Wow my internal clock is just messed up! The tuna auction starts at 4 so I thought I'd head over now. To my dismay I learn the subways actually shut down. Good thing I stayed in a place close to the fish market. On my way I decide since I'm running early to the 4am tuna auction, I should try to find a hot spot to upload my very first Tokyo blog posting. I found one and it finally worked!!!!!!! This rejuvenated me soooooooo much! I was so happy! The hot spot was right next to that temple where celebrities have funerals. Here I am at 3:30am in Tokyo sitting on a curb waiting for my blog post to upload in a hot spot. When it worked I jumped up and yelled, people around had a confused look on there faces...

On to the fish market and tuna auction. This is by far the craziest thing that has happened on this trip to me. One of the craziest experiences in my life actually!

What happens is you are supposed to check in and they only allow 20-25 visitors a day to the fish auction and tuna auction. Well I couldn't find the check in place so I ask a local worker where I go. He gives me directions on my map. What I didn't know then is he gave me directions to the actual auction areas and not the check in desk. Before I know it, this is what I walk into.... (Imagine jaws music starting slowly and then picking up real dramatically. That's how it felt.)

Watch how chaotic it gets for me.

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By this time as I am almost getting run over by these dudes on the fish transport vehicles I know I am in the actual work zone and don't belong. But no one is stopping me and I cannot go back now.

These guys are flying!

I was wrong here. Not the tuna auction, just normal fish auction.

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These guys have desks and people come buy fish from them. This picture is what is happening for blocks.

Someone picked up that top fish looked at it and slammed it back in. Juice from the box splashed on my legs and feet.

Fresh Fish!!

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Found an upper view. By now I'm shocked no one has said to beat it!

Here is an actual auction. I'm confused by what they are doing though.

Literally right after I snap this pic, i am moving camera to video to capture this crazy auction and a guy comes and grabs my arm and escorts me away. Then abruptly he throws me forward and shrews me with his hand. Finally my time had been done in.

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A shrine on my way out. I actually thought maybe I'll go throw some money in and thank heaven I made it out of the auction area alive. Honestly, right now my heart rate was jacked and I'm asking what was I thinking? It was a dangerous area for a kid in flip flops.

To calm down I stop in the market and sample some stuff.

The splash effects from walking in the auction area. They all had rubber boots that went up to there knees. I was a man among boys.

This early the subways take forever instead of every 2 minutes. I just missed a rat running on the tracks for a pic, snapped this instead.

Calf and feet and flip flops are soaked and stinky. No more avoiding the horrible showers in my dumpy hotel.

All cleaned up am in my robe.

Now that was an adventure!!!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

1 comment:

  1. Travis,
    So let me get this right - you didn't shower for 3 days?...
    This is so much fun. All the pics are awesome. You look like you're having a great time. Loved the fish market. Be careful hombre!
