I'm Going Around The World!

You are now officially Trippin with Trav!

Friday, April 20, 2012

The rest of Kyoto!

By far coolest trees I've ever seen.

In Kyoto there are main roads that are crazy busy or quiet alley ways, nothing else I don't think.

What the!?!?

Out my capsule room window.

Kyoto shopping mall right next to my capsule hotel.

River lined with cherry blossom trees.

Cool to see.

There is something very sexy about this...

Shijo road was a mad house! Saturday night!

I soon learned the gutter was my friend. Crazy amounts of people! Thousands and thousands. Most going my way.

Where the masses are going. Let's check it out.

Another temple. Yasaka shrine and Marayuma Park.

Paying Budda money as usual but now ringing a some bells.

I love the traditional Japanese culture Kyoto has to offer.

Past the shrine were thousands of people eating under the cherry blossom trees. Japanese definitely believe in family. Also lots of kids with friends here. And tons of couples walking around. I tried to put vibe out to single girls, no success... Yet. This area did make me think of my family and friends at home and felt grateful.

This is where the trail and park pretty much ends for most people. What a grand finale! That is so cool. One of the only trees like this left. I think it's called a weeping tree. Wow that is cool.

For some reason I just kept going. I wanted to get into the mountains a little which were right close to me for the first time.

Seriously! What a great timed picture. Sunset with Kyoto city below.

From chaos and thousands to me and the birds in the mountains.

Now I'm not sure if these next two are homes or ryokans or what because they are in the park and temple area.

Interesting cemetery.

That's a lot of shoes.

Yes these are fish. Ai you. Not sure on spelling. I just didn't dare eat one. A whole freaking fish on a stick? They didn't eat the head though. Men, women and children were devouring these.

There were tons of these tents making food.

Lots of these dumplings with loads of stuff in the middle were being sold. Not my favorite but fun to try.

Wannabe American food. The buns were humongous! There was no one in line lol.

Back to the crowded streets.

After a long walk home I decided to try some Japanese style fast food. It is a room where there is a big U shaped bar. So I sit down, feeling good and feeling confident about Japan now, people looked as me as I walked in and I'm give mini head bows in acknowledgement. I'm feeling good!!! After about 2 minutes the server is serving everyone else frantically, and I wonder when will he get to me? I haven't even got a menu. Another minute passes and couple dudes are still looking at me, not normal in Japan at all. It finally hits me, I look to the side and it is one of those freaking vending machine ordering systems. Dang it!! I was feeling so confident and I sit down with no ticket and look like a numbskull! I ate in shame and got the heck out of there. A nice Taiwan guy did help me order.

That was a long day...

On my way to church in Kyoto.

Movie theater.

Bus to church got packed!!

Losin it!

The church!

Church was great! Learned from the missionaries a ton about Japanese people. Hardly any active Buddhists and it seems they are not way deep thinkers. Also difficult to connect to. After church I was off to Osaka!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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