I'm Going Around The World!

You are now officially Trippin with Trav!

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

"How about a little operation Koh Samui Jack!?"

"You want to talk family circle of trust Jack, ok let's talk family circle of trust, let's talk about a little operation Koh Samui... Jack!"
"Koh Samui is an island off the coast of Thailand you idiot!"

Gotta admit, ever since I saw Meet the Parents I've wanted to go to Koh Samui!

I decided to come to Koh Samui on a strong recommendation from my good friend Lacy MacKenzie. And also because of Meet the Parents :)
I also decided to come here because all the so called travel experts told me my trip was way too aggressive and I would need rest days. I planned two full days in Koh Samui for exactly that.

I did have a concern, I thought I might experience a little loneliness sitting on the beach in a tropical location by myself. Lacy Mac told me no way. So I was excited but not sure I really needed rest days and wondering how I'd feel in a place like this on my own. Time will tell...

I already missed Vietnam a ton and felt I really connected with those people. I flew to Bangkok first and then to Koh Samui.

Back of the plane to Samui was packed but the front looked like this...

The Koh Samui airport was tiny.

First thing I did after checking in was go to the beach. I was not that impressed with the beach. Not horrible but not great. I went for a walk and right next door and onward the beach was great.

These trees are so cool!

I almost stepped on this scary creature.

When I got back to my room a lizard jumped right across my face. It made me laugh. I didnt jump though.
Looks like I'm sleeping with the wildlife tonight.

In the morning I was anxious to check things out. I won't lie, I felt no desire to rest and didn't want to lay out and chill all by myself. Travel experts are wrong again. Rest days are for pansies. I decided to rent a scooter and explore the island and other places I had considered staying. Where to stay us a tough decision in a place like this, so many options.

The scooter was $8 a day! I was also ecstatic to finally have my own wheels again too. I also felt it was time to overcome the fear of driving on the other side of the road.

View from the road.

Gettin pumped to ride... On the left side of the road.

Everything about the hotel was great but the beach. Just a lot of little rocks.

I adjusted to driving backwards fast. Only on turns did I sometimes get confused and one I came out on the right side. I caught on fast when it felt like I was playing chicken with someone.

I went to Bo Phut and the Fisherman Village. Awesome area, definitely will stay here if I ever come back.

I was checking out the shops at the fisherman village and it downpoured hard. I sought shelter in two girls store. Felt obligated to buy something after hanging out for 25 minutes in there.

What a stud.

Stumbled onto this 5 star.

I then headed for the Big Buddha. On the way found this awesome remote beach. Oh never mind it was right after the Big Buddha.

The Big Bhudda and other random stuff by it.

I then headed to Chaweng Beach. This is the most popular beach in Samui. I hated this area and was glad I was smart enough to not follow the sheep on this one. There are girls dressed like prostitutes wanting to cut your hair, provide massages and I'm quite sure other services...

The beach here was incredible. And I swear I just noticed that girl in the previous picture ;)

Funny story. My family and close friends will appreciate this.

So when I got my scooter, I noticed the gas gauge was on empty. But I thought, "no way they would give me a scooter on empty. Must be a broken gauge." as I'm flying back from Chaweng beach to my hotel I make an aggressive pass of two other scooters. I pass the one but as I am passing the second, my scooter will not pass him lol. I was feeling like a champ too! I started to slow down just a hair. Then I started chugging... Oh boy, I know what's happening. I slow down a lot now right before the top of this hill. The scooter then died. Freak! This always happens to me. I have run out of gas at least 7 or 8 times in my life. 2 of those times I somehow managed to find a way to get enough power to chug into the gas station. These situations just seem to be apart of who I am lol. I don't panic and I know exactly what to do. After a few seconds I get the scooter started and chug a little more. Dies. And I start it again and dies. Oh no! One more time and i chug to the top of the hill and as I come over the hill here is what I see. And mind you this is not an area with services very close by. After a glorifying 10 second coast my engine dies and I coast right here!

I know my brother and family and close friends are just shaking their heads right now lol. I'm a lucky guy, what can I say? This is what the fuel stations look like here. But this one was in the middle of nowhere. Gosh I was grateful for this lady! Tipped her big time!

Back on the road again! Wahooey!

Lots of dudes in this truck.

Every Friday night the Bo Phut fisherman village has a walking the village night where everyone comes out. I had such a great time and got some of my family members some cool gifts.

Calamari. I enjoyed one.

This kabob was tasty. I love hitting street markets and trying all the stuff. So cheap here.

Crab! My favorite food!!!

I stumbled on the cutest little kids! I bargained with them and paid them. They did all the collecting of money lol. They were awesome!

These two were my favorite! They were so awesome and they melted my heart.

These kids were playing instruments and singing.

After shopping i got a great one hour massage. They are so cheap here. Almost stepped on this guy walking to my room after.

Wanna know the first half of day 2 for me? See this package? It was Saturday and I could not find anyone to ship it for a decent price. A horrible morning of driving around with this dang thing. I refused to take it to Bangkok knowing I'd have to pay to check as baggage.

After the great shipping fiasco for 5 angry hours I decided to go for a massage. I had already got one the night before and was anxious for a Thai style one. The Thai style massage is unique. It is a deep deep massage. They bend you and stretch you and massage you in ways you cannot imagine. This lady said she has done it for 34 years. She kicked the crap out of me but it was the best massage I have ever got!

This massage was amazing!!! Just a short walk from my hotel too.

I decided to go to the fisherman village for a nice seafood dinner for my last night.

Ate right on the beach. Talked to my waiter for a long time. He is from Burma. Many people from there live here because no money in Burma.
The red snapper was delicious.

Right on the water. If only I had a hot babe with me...

Fireworks started. A great conclusion to a nice stay. I also got lured into a foot massage after. My legs and body was so sore from the Thai massage the day before.

Early the next morning I was off to Bangkok!

I love Thailand. The people are really warm here like Vietnam.

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