I'm Going Around The World!

You are now officially Trippin with Trav!

Wednesday, May 16, 2012


I was scared to death to come to India. I was worried about the food and the people mainly. Through my work I have spoken to many Indians and lets say me and Indian's are not like bread and butter. But it is a natural transit from Thailand to the middle east and why not check it out. Plus it's got the Taj!

New Delhi is where I landed. I was so nervous.

Somewhere in India.

New Delhi. More green then I imagined.

Airport restrooms. Interesting way to identify men's and women's.

The airport is way nice.

This dude is the only Indian guy I liked my whole stay. I know that sounds bad but I'm being honest. He is the only one I felt comfortable with. He was cool.

Got a nice welcome from my company that is driving me and providing guides.

My driver seems cool at first, but he was shocked I was alone. Everyone here is. It seems they don't go to the bathroom without a girlfriend joining them. My driver kept asking me how many girlfriends I had... Oh boy.

The streets and hotel look pretty nice actually. Is this some kind of trick?

First stop was this tall tower thing. Beautiful building!

This tower was closed to go up because a few years ago many people kept committing suicide here. And then one time a bunch of kids were here for school and a guy tried to play a trick and said the tower is falling! Many of the kids died from stampeding kids... Crazy crazy Indians.

This was a temple built by Muslims or what he called the Mongols or Mungols. These people have been fighting with the Hindu's for some time it sounds like. Look at the engraving on these buildings.

My tour guide on the right here got into a shouting match with a ticket collector. My guide really scared me.

The India government buildings.

This tower was cool. A tribute for fallen soldiers. Every year they have a huge parade here I guess.


We then went to this other temple. I have no interest in India history so I was bored. But the buildings and detail are some of the best I've ever seen. These building are incredible! My guide asked why I came to India, I said I don't know lol.

Another temple. This one was way cool! Another one built by Moguls or Muslims. I learned they always have the door going in the east side and so looking west towards Mecca when they entered. This place was incredible!

Wow! Like a red taj mahal. Incredible building.

He then took me to this lotus shaped Baha'i temple. Luckily it was closed. I was so bored with this Indian history of the Moguls vs the Hindu's. It made me think of American history a lot though and how much I love it!

After the lotus they took me to this rug place. All made from genuine Kashmir. This guy laid the pressure on thick. I was not happy about it. They made me drink the tea. Every rug he said, "Look at that my son!" everything "my son!" cracked me up. His accent was so funny. The pressure here was something I got pretty ticked at inside. They attack you in every way. "you need souvenir. You're mother would love. You need meditation rug at least. It is slow time of tourist season and you are my first guest today." I said no at least 20 times and these guys kept coming. I was not happy about it.

One rug takes weeks and even months to complete. The process is quite amazing actually. But why would I want a freaking rug???

Salesman on the right here. His rug throwers next to him.

I was so glad I made it through the first day. I won't lie, New Delhi is not bad.

I didn't dare go out though when I got back to my hotel. Drove past these markets which I had no interest in.

Tomorrow we drive to Agra to see the Taj! Really the only reason I came here. Pretty stoked!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

1 comment:

  1. I'm so sorry you didn't have a good time in India, especially since I tried to talk you into spending more time there. Hopefully the rest of your trip is great.
