See all the kids standing outside? They all laughed me to scorn upon arrival, no kidding haha.
We were told teachers sometimes show up late on Monday mornings because some travel from long distances. When I got there not one teacher was around so I went to check out the view behind the school again.
I was very worried if they would have classes for us to teach. We signed up for the teaching program but when I asked Nayia what volunteers usually dodge said carpentry and help with the school building. Hmmm...
Teachers finally arrived but they said the teacher in charge of the volunteers is running about 4 hours late. So they asked if we could teach math to 7th and 8th graders, we looked over the teachers guide and realized neither of us feel anywhere confident teaching this cause we can barely remember how to solve all these problems haha! Pretty much we are too dumb now is what I told the head teacher. We asked of we could teach English or something else.
They gave us some papers and tests to grade and said I could teach class 7 English today. Cool!
I decided to walk around before my class.
The cute little preschoolers.
A lot of times some classes don't have a teacher so they just hang out.
Teacher in charge of volunteers finally arrived and he said to go ahead and teach class 7 today but the rest of the week Heather and I need to teach class 4 and 5 English twice a day and help out in other classes if necessary. We were ecstatic! I'm excited to teach the 4th graders all week!
Here is my class 7 group. I bribed the wild ones with candy or what they call sweets.
They are obsessed with pictures haha.
Got home for lunch and noticed this baby goat who is only a few days old.
This guy worked on the goat pen fence ALL day! These people work hard.
Lunch being cooked.
This is my host mom Grace. Fully decked out in Maasai clothing all the time. Her English is not that great but we seem to get by communicating.
Making chipati! Little tortillas pretty much. It's good!
After school today Tananko and Risa took us on a 45 minute walk to this place everyone has been telling us about called The Valley.
Oh my word, wow!
The camera canny capture the huge valley below and the rolling mountains that go on and on and on.
Best picture ever!
These boys speak English very well. Mainly because of volunteers coming since 2007. Everyone in our village tests very high in English. These two boys are a blast!
We learned past volunteers have set up a night school for boys who cannot attend school during the day because they have to work at home. We stopped by from 7-9 and tutored one boy each.
I did basic adding and subtracting with John here.
Heather helped her boy pronouncing English words.
It is crazy to see how important education is. I respect these boys more than you will ever know because they work all day and then come spend an intense two hours learning 2 languages and math. All students at the school speak Maasai language and are learning Swahili and English.
This was extremely rewarding working one on and one and seeing him get better at basic math. Awesome first day!
Looks to me like you spent more time takin pics than tutoring! Get back to work TJ!!