On the train to Vienna from Budapest.
They were dead tired and I was all hyper for some reason.
Just crossed the border, I'm in Austria. Country number 20!
Jefe is back in his mission. He's a happy boy. He served 14 months of his mission in Vienna so he doesn't even need a map.
The streets of Wein! We first passed through a big shopping district.
Our hostel had all these weird areas to chill.
Franz Schubert lived here. A composer.
Happy Birthday to a Big Weiner. Weiner is a man Wien/Vienna. So we were dropping all the Weiner jokes we could think of. I treated Jed to some Schnitzel for his big 27th.
Our hostel was really nice but we had 5 people in our 5 person room. Some nerdy Swiss kid and a local Vienna girl shared the bunk above Jefe's head. This nerdy swiss kid would jump out of his top bunk like spider man. He looked along the lines of Napolean Dynamite. We were not happy this big girl spent the night in our room. Jefe ratted them out in the morning lol.
Breakfast after Jefe snitched on the nerds. Love the fruit pastries here.
The first of many many amazing buildings in Vienna. I can honesty say a place has never overwhelmed me like Vienna. Incredible buildings everywhere! You'll see what I mean. Such a historic place.
This is a cathedral.
Tons of white buildings. Vienna is very clean and looks great.
Some kind of war memorial.
With Jefe leading as our tour guide we headed to the Belvedere Palace. This was a palace of Prince Eugene. I think sometime 1800's. Incredible place!
Naked or partially naked statues everywhere. I'd be shocked if a place was bigger on statues.
There is an upper and lower palace. These people did royalty right!!
There is Jeff and Jed way over there.
We saw some kind of military or police rehearsal for something. Kinda cool.
Walked through Stadt Park.
Statue of Johan Strauss. Very famous Viennese composer. In other words it's a statue of a Weiner.
We are now heading into the downtown area or what is knows as District 1 in Vienna. We can from we the south end of town.
The layout of this city and the buildings are just amazing in person. I don't quite know how to describe it, but walking through this place is special.
Here is a perfect example of the grandeur of Vienna, this is the Vienna Opera House. Just a lowly opera house building...
More to come shortly on Vienna.
Wait until you make it to Italy my friend! Not as clean as Austria, but just as grand!